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EJP SOIL webinars: soil sensing - an introduction into proximal and remote soil sensing

For whom? These webinars are intended for all soil researchers that are interested in soil sensing, but have no or little experience of the techniques and wants to learn more. There will be more in depth webinars/workshops for researchers well acquainted with proximal sensing later on next year.

Copertina webinars
Event type Webinar
Attendance Hybrid event
Event starts 01/18/2024 - 09:00
Event ends 02/02/2024 - 10:30
Reference personnel

For whom? These webinars are intended for all soil researchers that are interested in soil sensing, but have no or little experience of the techniques and wants to learn more. There will be more in depth webinars/workshops for researchers well acquainted with proximal sensing later on next year.

EJP SOIL WEBINAR: SOIL SENSING (1) - Proximal soil sensing January 18th 9.00 - 10.30 CET

Webinar Link

What is proximal sensing, what sensors are used and what soil properties can be measured? What are the strengths and weaknesses with proximal soil sensing?

The webinar will provide a basic overview of the most common type of sensors and approaches, focusing a bit more on electrical conductivity, gamma ray and visible and infrared spectroscopy, describing the methodologies and providing examples of applications.

EJP SOIL WEBINAR: SOIL SENSING (2) - Remote sensing of soils : a tool for digital soil mapping. Challenges and limitations February 2nd 9.00 - 10.30 CET

Webinar Link

What is digital soil mapping, what are the contributions of remote sensing to the mapping of soils? What soil characteristics could be sensed and what properties could be measured so far? What are the strengths and weaknesses with remote sensing?

This webinar will provide a basic overview of the most common types of data and approaches, focusing a bit more on satellite remote sensing in the optical range; describing the methodologies and providing examples of applications.


Link to the project factsheet


A cura di: 
Redazione Divisione Biotecnologie e Agroindustria
Ultimo aggiornamento: 8 January 2024