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Divisione Biotecnologie e Agroindustria publications

Questa pagina riassume i riferimenti della produzione scientifica della Divisione Biotecnologie e Agroindustria attualmente disponibili. Il nostro database è in fase di aggiornamento e nuovi riferimenti sono aggiunti quotidianamente; l'elenco che segue non è da considerare quindi esaustivo della completa produzione scientifica della Divisione.

Tipo di Pubblicazione 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Totale
Articolo su Rivista peer-reviewed 48 60 45 50 43 44 50 62 77 64 61 78 23 705
Monografia 6 3 1 5 3 6 1 3 2 1 31
Atti di Congresso 1 10 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 21
Manoscritto 1 2 3
Presentazione a Congresso 3 3 6 7 9 7 7 4 5 4 1 56
Capitolo di Monografia 2 3 3 2 1 2 6 19
Miscellanea 1 2 1 1 5
Articolo su rivista divulgativa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Brevetto 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 14
Report 1 1 1 3
Rivista 1 1
Totale 61 74 55 64 61 66 66 75 88 75 74 82 24 865
Filtra per Tipo di Pubblicazione
Filtra per uno o più autori SSPT
Trotta, C., Iannetta M., Schino G., & Borfecchia F. (2002).  Rilevamento e monitoraggio quali-quantitativo della vegetazione mediante tecniche di telerilevamento satellitare. Documenti del Territorio. 48,
Cristofaro, M., Hayat R., Gültekin L., Tozlu G., Zengin H., Tronci C., et al. (2002).  Preliminary screening of new natural enemies of yellow starthistle, Centaurea solstitialis L.(Asteraceae) in Eastern Anatolia. Meeting Proceedings.
Ponti, L., Ricci C., Pires A., & Catarci G. (2002).  Aggregation, migration, and overwintering in Coccinella septempunctata L. and Semiadalia undecimnotata (Schr) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Atti XIX Congr. Naz. Italiano di Entomologia, Catania, 10-15 Giugno 2002. 739-743.
Pashkoulov, D., Giannetti I., Benvenuto E., & De Martinis D. (2002).  Biochemical characterization of polygalacturonases from five different isolates of Botrytis cinerea. Mycological Research. 106, 827 - 831.
Ponti, L., Ricci C., Torricelli R., & Veronesi F. (2002).  The hedge as an element of functional biodiversity in vineyards of the hills around Perugia. Atti XIX Congr. Naz. Italiano di Entomologia, Catania, 10-15 Giugno 2002. 486-492.
Roberti, S., Pontiggia D., Capodicasa C., Gerunzi M., Favaron F., De Lorenzo G., et al. (2002).  Polygalacturonase inhibiting Protein (PGIP) in Cereals. Journal of Plant Pathology. 84, 192.
Ricci, C., Ponti L., & Colcelli R. (2002).  Reproductive strategies and first instar larva cannibalism in Anisolemnia dilatata, a giant Chinese ladybird.. Atti XIX Congr. Naz. Italiano di Entomologia, Catania, 10-15 Giugno 2002. 731-736.
Bevivino, A., Peggion V., Manno G., Tabacchioni S., Dalmastri C., Piana S., et al. (2002).  Genetic polymorphism of cystic fibrosis and environmental Burkholderia cepacia complex isolates. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 1, S54.
Bevivino, A., Dalmastri C., Tabacchioni S., Chiarini L., Belli M.L., Piana S., et al. (2002).  Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria from clinical and environmental sources in Italy: Genomovar status and distribution of traits related to virulence and transmissibility. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 40, 846 - 851.
Tabacchioni, S., Bevivino A., Dalmastri C., & Chiarini L. (2002).  Burkholderia cepacia complex in the rhizosphere: A minireview. Annals of Microbiology. 52, 103 - 117.
Požárková, D., Koblížková A., Román B., Torres A.M., Lucretti S., Lysák M.A., et al. (2002).  Development and characterization of microsatellite markers from chromosome 1-specific DNA libraries of Vicia faba. Biologia Plantarum. 45, 337 - 345.
Ciccillo, F., Fiore A., Bevivino A., Dalmastri C., Tabacchioni S., & Chiarini L. (2002).  Effects of two different application methods of Burkholderia ambifaria MCI 7 on plant growth and rhizospheric bacterial diversity. Environmental Microbiology. 4, 238 - 245.
Galeffi, P., Giunta G., Guida S., & Cantale C. (2002).  Engineering of a single chain variable fragment antibody specific for the Citrus tristeza virus and its expression in Escherichia coli and Nicotiana tabacum. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 108, 479 - 483.
Tusa, N., Abbate L., Ferrante S., Lucretti S., & Scarano M.-T. (2002).  Identification of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in Citrus interploid crosses by means of isozymes, flow cytometry and ISSR-PCR. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters. 7, 703 - 708.
Scarano, M.-T., Abbate L., Ferrante S., Lucretti S., & Tusa N. (2002).  ISSR-PCR technique: A useful method for characterizing new allotetraploid somatic hybrids of mandarin. Plant Cell Reports. 20, 1162 - 1166.
Giorgi, D., D’Ovidio R., Tanzarella O.A., & Porceddu E. (2002).  RFLP analysis of Aegilops species belonging to the Sitopsis section. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 49, 145 - 151.
Silhavy, D., Molnár A., Lucioli A., Szittya G., Hornyik C., Tavazza M., et al. (2002).  A viral protein suppresses RNA silencing and binds silencing-generated, 21- to 25-nucleotide double-stranded RNAs. EMBO Journal. 21, 3070 - 3080.
Ricci, E., Viola E., Zimbardi F., Braccio G., & Cuna D. (2001).  Etanolo da biomasse lignocellulosiche: produzione di etanolo da paglia di grano mediante pretrattamento di steam explosion, idrolisi enzimatica e fermentazione.
Dharmapuri, S., & Giuliano G. (2001).  Plant metabolic engineering: Requirements for success. British Food Journal. 103, 764-769.
Weller, J.L., Perrotta G., Schreuder M.E.L., Van Tuinen A., Koornneef M., Giuliano G., et al. (2001).  Genetic dissection of blue-light sensing in tomato using mutants deficient in cryptochrome 1 and phytochromes A, B1 and B2. Plant Journal. 25, 427-440.
Perrotta, G., Yahoubyan G., Nebuloso E., Renzi L., & Giuliano G. (2001).  Tomato and barley contain duplicated copies of cryptochrome 1. Plant, Cell and Environment. 24, 991-998.
Baldacchino, F. (2001).  Efficacia su Targionia vitis di formulati microincapsulati. INFORMATORE AGRARIO. 57, 63–65.
Baldacchino, F. (2001).  [Efficacy of microincapsulated formulates on Targionia vitis [Vitis vinifera L.-Puglia]]. Informatore Agrario (Italy).
Lombardi, M. Luisa, Pirozzi G., Luongo V., Mercuro O., Pace E., Del Vecchio G. Blanco, et al. (2001).  Crohn disease: susceptibility and disease heterogeneity revealed by HLA genotyping. Human Immunology. 62(7), 701 - 704.
Desiderio, A., Franconi R., Lopez M., Villani M E., Viti F., Chiaraluce R., et al. (2001).  A semi-synthetic repertoire of intrinsically stable antibody fragments derived from a single-framework scaffold. Journal of Molecular Biology. 310, 603-615.
Roggero, P., Ciuffo M., Benvenuto E., & Franconi R. (2001).  The expression of a single-chain Fv antibody fragment in different plant hosts and tissues by using Potato virus X as a vector. Protein Expression and Purification. 22, 70-74.
Marusic, C., Rizza P., Lattanzi L., Mancini C., Spada M., Belardelli F., et al. (2001).  Chimeric plant virus particles as immunogens for inducing murine and human immune responses against human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Journal of Virology. 75, 8434-8439.
Pizzichini, D., Ruscio F., & Montani R. (2001).  Produzione Industriale Di Sieroproteine, Lattosio Ed Un’Acquaultrapura Dal Siero Di Caseificazione..
Fontanella, G., Cantale C., Galeffi P., & Ariemma S. (2001).  Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico: la materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione.
Cantale, C., & Galeffi P. (2001).  Bridging the gap between Science and the Public. IPTS Report (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies). 51,
Calvitti, M., & Annarumi S. (2001).  Concurrent application of sterile insects and parasitoids an example of synergistic action in biological control of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)-. First European Whitefly Symposium- Ragusa (Italy), 27th-3rd March 2001.
Fiore, A., Laevens S., Bevivino A., Dalmastri C., Tabacchioni S., Vandamme P., et al. (2001).  Burkholderia cepacia complex: Distribution of genomovars among isolates from the maize rhizosphere in Italy. Environmental Microbiology. 3, 137 - 143.
Taddei, A.R., Barbato F., Abelli L., Canese S., Moretti F., Rana K.J., et al. (2001).  Is cryopreservation a homogeneous process? Ultrastructure and motility of untreated, prefreezing, and postthawed spermatozoa of Diplodus puntazzo (Cetti). Cryobiology. 42, 244 - 255.
Daroda, L., Hahn K., Pashkoulov D., & Benvenuto E. (2001).  Molecular characterization and in planta detection of Fusarium moniliforme endopolygalacturonase isoforms. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 59, 317 - 325.
Doležel, J., Lysák M.A., Kubaláková M., Šimková H., Macas J., & Lucretti S. (2001).  Sorting of plant chromosomes. Methods in Cell Biology. 3 - 31.
Brunetti, A., Tavazza R., Noris E., Lucioli A., Accotto G. Paolo, & Tavazza M. (2001).  Transgenically expressed T-rep of Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus acts as a trans-dominant-negative mutant, inhibiting viral transcription and replication. Journal of Virology. 75, 10573 - 10581.
Stamigna, C., Crino P., Saccardo F., & others (2000).  Wild relatives of chickpea: Multiple disease resistance and problems to introgression in the cultigen.. Journal of Genetics & Breeding. 54, 213–219.
Perrotta, G., Ninu L., Flamma F., Weller J.L., Kendrick R.E., Nebuloso E., et al. (2000).  Tomato contains homologues of Arabidopsis cryptochromes 1 and 2. Plant Molecular Biology. 42, 765-773.
Giuliano, G., Aquilani R., & Dharmapuri S. (2000).  Metabolic engineering of plant carotenoids. Trends in Plant Science. 5, 406-409.
Baldacchino, F., & Moleas T. (2000).  Susceptibility of some grapevine varieties to Lobesia botrana (Denis et Schiffermueller)(Lepidoptera-Tortricidae) infestations [Vitis vinifera L.-Apulia]. Atti delle Giornate Fitopatologiche (Italy).
Baldacchino, F., Moleas T., & others (2000).  Susceptibility of some grapevine varieties to Lobesia botrana (Denis et Schiffermüller)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).. GF 2000. Atti, Giornate Fitopatologiche, Perugia, 16-20 aprile, 2000, volume primo. 441–444.
Mini, P., & Mastrone A. (2000).  Progetto “Parchi in qualità”.
Pirozzi, G., Lombari V., Zanzi D., Ionna F., Lombardi M. Luisa, Errico S., et al. (2000).  CD40 expressed on human melanoma cells mediates T cell co-stimulation and tumor cell growth. International Immunology. 12(6), 787 - 795.
Rosati, C., Aquilani R., Dharmapuri S., Pallara P., Marusic C., Tavazza R., et al. (2000).  Metabolic engineering of beta-carotene and lycopene content in tomato fruit. Plant Journal. 24, 413-419.
Rosati, C., Duron M., Cadic A., Rosati C., & Simoneau P. (2000).  Towards novel flower colors in forsythia by genetic engineering. Acta Horticulturae. 508, 45-48.
Calvitti, M., Remotti P.C., & Cirio U. (2000).  The Sterile Insect technique in the IPM of Whiteflies in greenhouse. Area-Wide Control of fruit flies and other insect pest- Penang, Malaysia May 28-June 2, 1998. I, 185-192.
Terrada, E., Kerschbaumer R.J., Giunta G., Galeffi P., Himmler G., & Cambra M. (2000).  Fully ’recombinant enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays’ using genetically engineered single-chain antibody fusion proteins for detection of Citrus tristeza virus. Phytopathology. 90, 1337 - 1344.
Stamigna, C., Crinò P., & Saccardo F. (2000).  Wild relatives of chickpea: Multiple disease resistance and problems to introgression in the cultigen. Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 54, 213 - 219.
Ponti, L. (2000).  Ruolo della vegetazione spontanea nel mantenimento di insetti ed acari utili nei vigneti dell’Italia centrale. 170.
Calvitti, M., Moretti R., Antonelli M., & Bautista R.C. (2000).  Analysis of mortality factors influencing the parasitization rate in the association between Ceratitis capitata Wiedmann (Diptera Tephritidae) and the oo-larval parasitoid Fopius arisanus Sonan (Hymenoptera Braconidae). 7th European Workshop on Insect Parasitoid, 1-6 October 2000 - Haarlem (The Netherlands)..