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This section gathers the most relevant Projects of the last 10 years with the participation of Divisione Biotecnologie e Agroindustria.

84 Projects are currently available, most of which are/were funded by EU Programmes.

For more information about ENEA participation to EU Projects please refer to the official database on

Hai selezionato 24 progetti
Title Funding Framework Programme Date Start End Date Project Manager
Integrated SERVices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Sep 2022 Aug 2027 Claudia Zoani
BIOAG Head Office
Next-generation vaccines and diagnostics to prevent livestock reproductive diseases of worldwide impact
EU Programmes Horizon EuropeHORIZON Europe Sep 2022 Aug 2027 Selene Baschieri
Laboratory Biotechnologies
Food, Health and Environment Research Infrastructures to Tackle Emerging Priorities
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jan 2024 Dec 2026 Claudia Zoani
BIOAG Head Office
Delivering, safe, sustainable, tailored & socially accepted soilimprovers from circular food production processes for boosting soil health
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jun 2023 May 2026 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
PROGETTO NiCE: From Niche to Centre - City Centres as Places of Circular Lifestyles
EU Programmes INTERREG Central Europe May 2023 Apr 2026 Francesca Cappellaro
Section Support for the coordination of circular economy activities
Towards climate-smart and sustainable soil management
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Mar 2021 Jan 2026 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
DGR4FOOD: Empowering a fair and responsible European FoodRegister, fostering citizen sovereignty and creating a data-driven food system
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Dec 2022 Nov 2025 Claudia Zoani
BIOAG Head Office
ECO-READY: Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven policies
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Dec 2022 Nov 2025 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
On foods
PNRR: Partenariato Esteso “Research and Innovation Network on Food and Nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security
National Programmes Partenariati estesi alle università, ai centri di ricerca, alle aziende per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca di base – nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” Nov 2022 Nov 2025 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Sistemi Innovativi Di Monitoraggio Per Il Controllo Sostenibile Di Drosophila Suzukii Ed Altri Fitofagi Rilevanti Per La Frutticoltura Laziale
Regional Programmes Jun 2023 Jul 2025 Maurizio Calvitti
BIOAG Head Office
PRO-GRACE: Promoting a Plant Genetic Resource Community for Europe
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jan 2023 Jun 2025 Giovanni Giuliano
BIOAG Head Office
Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy
National Programmes PNRR Nov 2022 Apr 2025 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 May 2021 Apr 2025 Gianfranco Diretto
Laboratory Biotechnologies
Novel food products for the Promotion of Mediterranean Lifestyle and healthy diet
Other Programmes Programma PRIMA - Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area Apr 2022 Mar 2025 Gianfranco Diretto
Laboratory Biotechnologies
Trattamento del digestato derivante da impianto di biogas innovativo finalizzato ad una sua valorizzazione in ambito ittico e zootecnico
Servizi alla Pubblica Amministrazione Mar 2023 Mar 2025 Gian Paolo Leone
Laboratory Bio-products and Bio-processes
Progetto Agritech Centro Nazionale per le Tecnologie dell’Agricoltura PNRR
National Programmes PNRR MISSIONE ISTRUZIONE E RICERCA Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Sep 2022 Feb 2025 Antonio Molino
Laboratory Bio-products and Bio-processes
Soil ecosystem services and soil threats modelling and mapping
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Nov 2021 Feb 2025 Milena Stefanova
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Strengthening of the Italian Research Infrastructure for Metrology and Open AccessData in support to the Agrifood
National Programmes PNRR Sep 2022 Feb 2025 Claudia Zoani
BIOAG Head Office
Creazione di un HUB italiano a supporto della partecipazione dell’Italia alla Global Soil Partnership ed alla rete di eccellenza europea sulla ricerca sul suolo
Other Programmes MIPAAF Decreto del Dipartimento delle Politiche Europee ed Internazionali e dello Sviluppo Rurale – DISR IV Prot. 35851 del 5/11/2019 Nov 2020 Jan 2025 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
METROFOOD-RI Early Phase Implementation
EU Programmes HORIZON Europe Jan 2024 Dec 2024 Claudia Zoani
BIOAG Head Office
Modeling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Dec 2021 Nov 2024 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Agro-ecological strategies for promoting climate change mItigation and adaptation by enhancing soil ecosystem services and sustainable crop production
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Nov 2022 Nov 2024 Annamaria Bevivino
Laboratory Agrifood Sustainability, Quality and Safety
Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Oct 2021 Sep 2024 Giovanni Giuliano
Structural biology research infrastructures for translational research and discovery
EU Programmes HORIZON 2020 Feb 2022 Jul 2024 Claudia Zoani