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Stability of a model of power microgeneration network using the Kuramoto model

TitleStability of a model of power microgeneration network using the Kuramoto model
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMarchei, E., Fioriti Vincenzo, Ruzzante S., Castorini E., and Rosato V.
JournalInternational Journal of System of Systems Engineering

Most of critical infrastructures (CIs) depend on the power system. The predictable onset of a microgeneration paradigm (many dispersed small generators of medium-low power) will considerably decrease network stability and thus increase risk of failures and other's infrastructures dependence. In order to study the stability of synchronisation in a power microgeneration scenario, we derive the Kuramoto equation from the 'swing' equation of the electrical generator and use the resulting model to simulate the phase stability and the synchronisation of a very small electrical grid. In our model, nodes are arranged in a regular lattice; the strength of their couplings is randomly chosen and allowed to vary as square waves. Although the system undergoes several synchronisation losses, nevertheless it is able to quickly resynchronise. Moreover, we show that the synchronisation rising-time follows a power-law. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Citation KeyMarchei201076