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Produzione Scientifica

Found 9 results
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Anaerobic digestion and removal of sulfamethoxazole, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and their antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale biogas plant, Visca, Andrea, Caracciolo Anna Barra, Grenni Paola, Patrolecco Luisa, Rauseo Jasmin, Massini Giulia, Miritana Valentina Mazzurco, and Spataro Francesca , Antibiotics, Volume 10, Number 5, p.502, (2021)
Bioaugmentation with a consortium of bacterial sodium lauryl ether sulfate-degraders for remediation of contaminated soils, Rolando, Ludovica, Caracciolo Anna Barra, Grenni Paola, Mariani Livia, Rauseo Jasmin, Spataro Francesca, Garbini Gian Luigi, Visca Andrea, and Patrolecco Luisa , Frontiers in Microbiology, Oct-09-2022, Volume 12, p.740118, (2021)
Effects of sulfamethoxazole on growth and antibiotic resistance of a natural microbial community, Rauseo, Jasmin, Caracciolo Anna Barra, Spataro Francesca, Visca Andrea, Ademollo Nicoletta, Pescatore Tanita, Grenni Paola, and Patrolecco Luisa , Water, Volume 13, Number 9, p.1262, (2021)
Legacy and Emerging Pollutants in an Urban River Stretch and Effects on the Bacterioplankton Community, Visca, Andrea, Caracciolo Anna Barra, Grenni Paola, Rolando Ludovica, Mariani Livia, Rauseo Jasmin, Spataro Francesca, Monostory Katalin, Sperlagh Beata, and Patrolecco Luisa , Water, Volume 13, Number 23, p.3402, (2021)
Microbial soil biodiversity in beech forests of European mountains, Dinca, Lucian, Onet Aurelia, Samuel Alina Dora, Tognetti Roberto, Uhl Enno, Bosela Michal, Gömöryová Erika, Bielak Kamil, Skrzyszewski Jerzy, Hukić Emira, et al. , Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Jan-12-2021, Volume 51, Issue 12, p.1833 - 1845, (2021)