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Maurizio Calvitti

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Found 85 results
Filtri: Autore is Maurizio Calvitti
Male mating performances and cytoplasmic incompatibility in a wPip Wolbachia transinfected line of Aedes albopictus, Moretti, Riccardo, and Calvitti Maurizio , Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 12/2013, Volume 27, Number 4, p.377–386, (2013)
Bacteria endosymbionts: a source of innovation in biotechnology for the control of vector-borne diseases, Calvitti, Maurizio , Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, Volume n. 6/2011 Novembre-Dicembre 2011, p.49-57, (2011)
Exploitation of a non-native Wolbachia strain in Aedes albopictus: potential benefits on a suppression strategy for this mosquito vector in Italy., Calvitti, Maurizio , Invited speaker to the 43rd Annual Conference of The Society of Vector Ecology- Flagstaff (AZ) USA, 25-29 Sept 2011, 09/2011, (2011)
Avversità entomologiche emergenti nei Paesi in via di Sviluppo, Cristofaro, M., Arnone Silvia, Calvitti Maurizio, De Biase Alessio, and Di Ilio V. , Ricadute Socio-Economiche Delle Avversita Delle Piante, Volume I, Number I Georgofili, Firenze, 26 Novembre 2009, p.104 pp, (2010)
Characterization of a new aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)-Wolbachia pipientis (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) symbiotic association generated by artificial transfer of the wPip strain from culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae), Calvitti, Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, Lampazzi Elena, Bellini R., and Dobson Stephen L. , Journal of Medical Entomology, 2010///, Volume 47, p.179 - 187, (2010)
Dispersal and survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera Culicidae) Males in Italian Urban Areas and Significance for Sterile Insect Application., Bellini, R., Albieri Alessandro, Balestrino Fabrizio, Carrieri Massimo, Porretta Daniele, Calvitti Maurizio, Urbanelli Sandra, Moretti Riccardo, and Maini Stefano , Journal of Medical Entomology, 12/2010, Volume 47, Number 6, p.1082-1091, (2010)
Gamma-Ray Dosimetry and Mating Capacity Studies in the Laboratory on Aedes albopictus Males., Balestrino, Fabrizio, Medici Anna, Candini G., Carrieri Massimo, Maccagnani B., Calvitti Maurizio, Maini Stefano, and Bellini R. , Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 47 (4), (2010)
New Wolbachia infections in Aedes albopictus: a way to benefit vector control strategies and the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the association between the endosymbiont and its host, Calvitti, Maurizio, and Moretti Riccardo , XX Congresso Nazionale della Soc. It. Ecol. (Site): Le Scienze Ecologiche oggi, (2010)
γ Ray dosimetry and mating capacity studies in the laboratory on aedes albopictus males, Balestrino, F., Medici A., Candini G., Carrieri M., MacCagnani B., Calvitti Maurizio, Maini S., and Bellini R. , Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 47, Number 4, p.581-591, (2010)
Classic genetic control application against Aedes albopictus., Bellini, R., Medici Anna, Carrieri Massimo, and Calvitti Maurizio , I International Symposium on the Asian Tiger Mosquito: Ecology, Evolution, Epidemiology and Control. Rutgers University (NJ-USA), Feb 12-13, (2009)
Effects on male fitness of removing Wolbachia infections from the mosquito Aedes albopictus, Calvitti, Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, Porretta Daniele, Bellini R., and Urbanelli Sandra , Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2009///, Volume 23, p.132 - 140, (2009)
Possible exploitation of Wolbachia as agent of sterility induction in Aedes albpopictus populations, Calvitti, Maurizio, and Moretti Riccardo , Invited speaker to the Workshop: SIT in the Integrated Vector Management of Aedes albopictus in Italy. Tools, Problems, Surveillance and Control, University of Bologna- Italy, (2009)
Preliminary characterization of a new Aedes albopictus single-infected strain obtained by horizontal transfer of Wolbachia from Culex pipiens, Calvitti, Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, Bellini R., and Dobson Stephen L. , 5th European Mosquito Control Association Workshop- Turin, ITALY 9th - 13th March 2009, (2009)
Procedimento per la sterilizzazione di maschi di zanzara tigre attraverso trasferimento orizzontale di batteri simbionti induttori di incompatibilita’ citoplasmatica, Calvitti, Maurizio, and Moretti Riccardo , Volume ENEA RM2009A000678, (2009)
Transfer of Wolbachia from Culex pipiens (L.) to Aedes albopictus (Skuse) resulting in the expression of Cytoplasmic Incomatibility, Calvitti, Maurizio, Moretti Riccardo, Bellini R., and Dobson Stephen L. , I International Symposium on the Asian Tiger Mosquito: Ecology, Evolution, Epidemiology and Control. Rutgers University (NJ-USA), Feb 12-13, (2009)
SIT application on Aedes albopictus in Italy: integrated use of Cytoplasmic Incompatibility, Calvitti, Maurizio , Inivited speaker to IAEA Consultant Meeting on "Evaluation of the prospects for incorporating SIT into control programmes for Aedes mosquitoes, IAEA headquarters, 26-28 June, (2007)
Strategie innovative di controllo degli insetti dannosi attraverso la incompatibilità citoplasmatica indotta dal batterio simbionte Wolbachia pipientis, Calvitti, Maurizio, Bellini R., and Urbanelli Sandra , Atti-rendiconti 2007 dell’Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia., (2007)
On the use of the exotic oo-pupal parasitoid Fopius arisanus for the biological control of Bactrocera oleae in Italy, Moretti, Riccardo, Lampazzi Elena, Reina Dino, and Calvitti Maurizio , IOBC/WPRS Bullettin, Volume 30, p.49-60, (2007)
Use of the sterile insect technique against Aedes albopictus in Italy: First results of a pilot trial, Bellini, R., Calvitti Maurizio, Medici A., Carrieri M., Celli G., and Maini S. , Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests: From Research to Field Implementation, p.505-515, (2007)